Dupla Products & Systems (Germany)
Fertilization System
Contrary to tropical plant waters, our main's water has large nutrient deficiencies. Many important plant nutrients and trace elements are missing or extracted from the water during treatment at the waterworks. However, if a nutrient is missing, even if temporarily, the plants' growth will be stunted or the plants perish (Liebig’s law of minimums).
In order to ensure a healthy plant growth in the aquarium, the nutrient deficiencies in the main's water have to be stocked up and supplemented, so that good “aquarium water” is derived from the main's water. For this purpose, it is decisive that the nutrients are in a very certain ratio to one another. Several “critical nutrients”, in particular iron and a series of trace elements, present special problems in solving this task; they are required in only minute quantities. In larger doses their effect is poisonous. In aquariums they may not be administered for days and weeks in advance, eg. if the water is changed.
The situation is rendered more serious if various trace elements are not only being consumed by the plants but also being precipitated by chemical reactions. This has always presented plant fertilization in the aquarium with special problems.
Duplarit G and Duplarit K
A substrate additive and root nutrient. Duplarit consists of selected tropical laterite with high iron content. Duplarit G in granules while Duplarit K in solid form (balls).
Dupla pH Control MP
Microprocessor controlled measuring and control device. Control range: pH 2 ro pH 12.
Dupla Ground
is a lime-free, water-neutral substrate. It ideally supports plants and has a highly decorative effect. Its grain size of 2-4 mm aids circulation in the aquarium bed, while its round form is ideally suited for ground dwellers such as catfish and loaches.
Dupla Root
Contains ground bacteria that, in symbiosis with the roots, make the nutrients available.