Our Philosophy

In keeping with our philosophy and the requisites of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports, Graceland's Programmes seek to:

  • Engage the pupils in meaningful activities before and after school hours.
  • Inculcate good moral values such as “Independence”, “Respectfulness”, “Sharing” and “Honesty”.
  • Meet the development needs of primary children.

Our caring and responsible staff are trained to meet the needs and interests of your child. We also provide a healthy, safe and conducive learning environment. Pupils are guide and supervised in their school work individually and as a group by experienced teachers. In addition to the regular programme, weekly out-door events and special activities and are planned. They include:

  • Out-doored activities. Eg. Badminton, basketball and jogging.
  • Educational field trips
  • Educational workshops
  • Holiday camps