The Skin

The skin is one of the most important organs of the human body. It is essentially the organism’s covering or wrapping and serves two important functions:

The structure of the skin consists of 3 distinct layers:


The outer layer, approximately one milimetre thick.

Made up of several layers of cells known as keratinocytes, it provides an impermeable barrier that keeps the skin hydrated and protects it from solar radiation.
The epidermis is in turn made up of 4 different layers, namely:

  • 1. the stratum basale or germinativum
  • 2. the spinosim
  • 3. the granulosum
  • 4. the corneum

This last layer is comprised of dead cells known as corneocytes which are constantly being shed, so it is essential to remove them in order for cosmetics to penetrate.


This is the main protective and supporting layer of the skin, and is approximately four millimeters thick.

The cells that form the dermis are called fibroblasts which produce a network of connective tissue.
The fibroblasts produce two main types of tissue:

Collagen fibres

The main proteins in the dermis, making up about 70% of its protein content and responsible for hydrating the skin and keeping it smooth. Collagen molecules absorb, store and release water into the tissues.

It loses its properties with the passage of time, resulting in dehydration and consequent ageing of the skin.

Elastin fibres

Make up 4% of the dermis and are responsible for the skin elasticity and flexibility. These also deteriorate over time, causing the skin to sag and contributing to the ageing process.

The DERMIS also contains cutaneous appendages (hair and nails), sebaceous and sweat glands, blood vessels and nerve endings.


This is the deepest layer of the skin. It consists of a great number of fatty cells, the adipocytes. The fat forms a highly active tissue, which in addition to protecting the organism, provides it with cushioning and thermal insulation.

As Collagen is the most important protein in the skin, and it has been shown that its deterioration directly results in ageing skin, the vast majority of people who are concerned about their looks look for a cosmetic product to reverse this process when shopping for cosmetics, regardless of their skin type, gender or age.