
Cambodia sees an arrival of 2.1 millions international visitors ending previous year 2008. Phnom Penh International Airport, being in the capital of Cambodia, flew in a heartening 0.57 millions of visitors. Part of the famous Mekong River runs through Phnom Penh and built up business opportunities for the locals. Being a tourist site, Cambodians utilize the nature formation to set up river cruise businesses, where tourist will be able to sit through the sail while deliberating over snacks and a cup of tea, or have dinner onboard.

Being an ASEAN country, Cambodia’s official religion is Buddhism, just like Thailand and Myanmar. There are hundreds of temples and pagodas to visit in the country, with most of the major temples located in Siem Reap.

These temples are built between 9th and 13th centuries by the succession of Khmer Kings.

Cambodia serves food that has inklings to its neighbouring Thailand, except that it is similar to Thai cooking without spices. Samlor Kako, being one of the Cambodian national dishes, uses a wide range of ingredients including famous prahok (fermented fish cheese) that is special to Khmer dishes. Another national dish, the Khmer Sour Soup, is refreshing sour soup that fed the diligent Cambodians. Should you like to have a taste of most Khmer dishes, venturing into markets will expose you to an array of local foods that are bound to whet up your appetite!

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