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Skimz Monzter NM120


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The NM120 has a reactor chamber diameter of 120mm and is ideal for aquariums up to 1000 litres. The NM120 is filled with sulphur beads which serve as food and growth substrate for the anaerobic bacteria. With the Water Swirling Chamber (WSC) and recirculating design, these make the NM120 very efficient nitrate removal. As it includes Effluent Chamber, the pH is fully buffered and enriched with calcium media before being returned to the tank.

The NM120 should be provided with water from the aquarium either from a separate feed pump or gravity feed.

Technical Data:

Circulation pump: AquaBee 1000
Power consumption: 10W
Method of feeding: Gravity or feed pump
Feed rate: 500 l/h
Recommended feed pump: AquaBee UP500
Included effluent chamber: Yes


L 220 x W 180 x H 570mm
Feed inlet diameter: ¼ “ (6.35mm) polyethylene tubing
Reactor body diameter (mm): 120

For Aquariums:

Up to 1000 litres


This product is warranted against defective material and workmanship of the body for 2 years and 1 year warranty on the pump.

For US 110V specifications, please contact us.

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