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Skimz Media 03™



Skimz Media 03™ is pure granular sulphur for use in Nitrate Reactors to reduce nitrate (NO3). Nitrate reactors are based on the principle of utilising anaerobic bacteria to convert nitrate to nitrogen gas in an oxygen-deficient environment. The use of Media 03 encourages the growth of anaerobic bacteria as it oxidises sulphur as a food source in Nitrate Reactors.

In all marine systems, waste is continuously being produced by fishes and converted to nitrate. In the long run, nitrate will be accumulated. Nitrate is toxic to fishes at high levels and is extremely toxic to some invertebrates even at low levels. Nitrate is also a major cause of nuisance algae problem. Concentrations of more than 20mg/l (ppm) should not be tolerated.

Skimz Media 03™ is safe for all types of aquariums, even sensitive reef systems with complex organisms.


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