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Nanno 3600



Nannochloropsis is a small green algae that is extensively used in the aquaculture industry for growing small zooplankton such as rotifers and for Greenwater. It is also used in reef tanks for feeding corals and other filter feeders. Nanno 3600 is 3600 X as dense as cultured algae, so 1 liter replaces almost 4 metric tons of live algae! Nanno 3600 is available in 1 quart and 1 pint bottles, and 1 liter bags.

Fin Fish Hatcheries:

Nannochloropsis is the single best food for growing rotifers. It has a very high EPA level and can be frozen for long term storage. It also works very well for Greenwater.

Shellfish Hatcheries:

Works very well with mussels. It has not been traditionally used with oysters and clams, however a study currently being done at a university in Los Angeles indicates that it can work as well or better than Isochrysis and Pavlova with larvae and post set. As soon as this study is complete we will post it on our website.


Nannochloropsis can be stored in a refrigerator for 3 months (best if stored at -1 to +3C) or it can be frozen for longer shelf life (2+ years). When frozen the algae will "hard-freeze" like ice.

Ice Cubes:

If you have received a liter of Nanno and don't plan to use it all within 3 months we suggest making it into ice cubes. Simply pour the algae into a standard ice cube tray and freeze for 24 hours. Then take the cubes and store them in a plastic bag in your refrigerator. As you need more algae remove a cube from the plastic bag and thaw.

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