Corporate Advisory
Our responsibility is to
- Strategise and achieve business objectives
- Improve operational productivity and profitability
- Expand and develop business to its full potential as a regional or global business through corporate finance activities in the capital market such as Initial Public Offering (IPO), Reverse Takeover (RTO), Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)
Our Expertise is applied to these 3 areas:
- management audit
- product and service development
- business strategy
- marketing plan
- operational management
- productivity improvement
- return to profitability
- management audit
- product and service development
- business strategy
- regional expansion
- local / regional / global business development
- mergers and accquisitions
- formulation / implementation of strategic business plans
- HR management
- operational productivity
- capital investment
- financial management
- incentives / grants
- IPO / RTO / Trade Sale / MBO
- executive search
- human capital compensation and development
- HR planning & administration
- project management
- investment incentives
- financial control system
- operational management
- computerization and automation proccess
- product / service quality and productivity measurement
Our Services as the Consultant in preparing companies for a public listing include:
Project Manager
- Drive IPO process while Directors focus on business activities
- Ensure IPO on schedule
Corporate Advisor
- Advise on listing requirements
- Maximize IPO benefits to shareholders
- Ensure Compliance (without tears)
- Collate required finanical information
- Prepare intial draft of prospectus and financial forecasts